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However you decide to give, we’ll put your assist to work for kids!
      • Make Your Assist – Donate Today : A quick donate option, with pre-selected amounts to donate.  Donations of $50 or more receive a limited-edition t-shirt.
      • 13 Club – Your Monthly Assist : 13 Club donors receive fun perks, including event access, gear and more.  Learn more and join the Club today!
      • Donate Your Way : Specify which Steve Nash Foundation program you’d like to support with your gift, and donate any amount you choose.
We appreciate your support, and thank you for growing health in kids!

The Steve Nash Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) private operating foundation (EIN 31-1753206) and a registered Canadian charity (BN 848154928 RR0001). Donations to the Foundation are eligible for a tax receipt. As an operating foundation, SNF can also accept (and appreciates!) donations from Donor Advised Funds, including recurring and planned giving. Thank you for your assist!