Gift Card - The Steve Nash Foundation Gift Cards!
Gift Card


Gift Card


Need a last minute gift?  Want something that you can send without leaving your desk/car/couch/trail/deck/floor?  Instantly available to congratulate someone, wish them a happy holiday, birthday or graduation, or give them a heartfelt thank you, a gift card from the Steve Nash Foundation says you care about the recipient AND helping kids.

Choose from multiple designs, and select an amount; within minutes, you’ll receive an email with your gift card image to personalize for the recipient.  Our gift cards don’t expire, so – while you make a great assist today – they can shop when they’re ready.  The SNF Gift Card is only available at


The Steve Nash Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) private operating foundation (EIN 31-1753206) and a registered Canadian charity (BN 848154928 RR0001). Donations to the Foundation are eligible for a tax receipt in the amount of donation less the value of goods received.  Please note that we are unable to accommodate returns/exchanges of this item.

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