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Beginning this fall, REACH will launch in select regions. SIGN UP to be the first to get information and get involved.

Integrating age-and-stage-appropriate science in a comprehensive living lab model, REACH empowers kids with the physical, emotional and foundational science education to grow their own health.  REACH centers on four pillars: movement, psychology, fitness, and lifestyle (including recovery, sleep and nutrition) fundamentals. Presented in a fun and practical way that gives kids immediate benefit, REACH is designed for seamless implementation into everyday practices and programs . . . just like yours.  Sign up today!

REACH engages kids during the golden age of physical literacy, where the cognitive capacity to understand the science behind how we move and feel meets the psychological readiness to be accountable, track progress, and strive to optimize our own well-being.

REACH establishes resiliency, character, and physical, social and emotional health at a young age, along with key movement skills, including the ABCs — agility, balance, coordination and speed – that help keep children active and injury-free for life.

Because healthy kids mean healthy futures, investing in REACH is a great assist toward our global health.

A collaboration of Fortius Sport & Health, IAD, and the Steve Nash Foundation, REACH teams Fortius’s institutional excellence with IAD, an unprecedented cadre of health professionals — Dr. Rick Celebrini (PhD, PT - Vancouver Whitecaps, Vancouver Canucks), Dr. Ben Sporer (Physiology, Vancouver Whitecaps FC), Dr. David Cox (Sport Psychologist, Canada Basketball), and Anthony Findlay (Strength & Conditioning, Level 10 Fitness), the experts behind multi-sport Olympic teams, soccer stars, hockey legends, and a certain two-time NBA MVP — to assist kids worldwide. 

Investing in the health of our next generations is pivotal to our global future.  REACH starts early, maximizing impact, improving trajectories, and changing lives.



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