There’s no place like home, and nobody loves his like Steve. Each year, the Steve Nash Foundation awards grants to child-focused non-profits that provide direct health and education services to underserved children throughout British Columbia, Canada. Funded projects improve outcomes for children by identifying and addressing underlying conditions of poverty, medical need, and restricted access to those resources that contribute to their well-being. The Foundation looks for organizations that work directly with children, or those that work to benefit children through social change and policy reform. With a focus on actuating solutions to community needs, BC Grants is community investment at work.
The Foundation funds organizations working in the areas identified above, based on specific goals and strategies, and cultivates meaningful relationships to maximize our investment and impact. Since 2006, the Foundation’s BC Grants program has delivered over $1M back into our community.
Adoptive Families Association of British Columbia * Alexandra Neighbourhood House * Arts Umbrella * BC Library Association Books For Babies Program * BC Schizophrenia Society * BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre * Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver * Bulkley Valley FASD Prevention Program * Cameray Child & Family Services * Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives * Canucks Autism Network * Cedar Grove Accessible Play Park * Covenant House Vancouver * David Foster Foundation * Evergreen * Family Services of Greater Vancouver * Galiano Community School * Greater Victoria Public Library Books For Babies Program * Green Thumb Theatre * Golden Community Resources Society * James Bay Health and Community Services Society * KidSafe Project Society * Kids Up Front * Kootenay Child Health and Development Centre * Little Mountain Neighborhood House * Options Child and Family Centre * Organized Response to Children Abuse (ORCA) Centre * Power To Be Adventure Therapy * Pro Motion Research Institute * Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children * Ronald McDonald House BC * Roots of Empathy * Shuswap Family Resource Centre * Strathcona Community Centre * Surrounded By Cedar Child and Family Services * Take A Hike Youth at Risk Foundation * Victoria Child Abuse Prevention & Counseling Center * Victoria Native Friendship Centre * West Coast Alternatives Society * YesBC * and more to come.